

Whether your hair is coarse, kinky, frizz or just wavy frizzy it can be frustrating.无论您的头发是粗大,弯曲,蓬松还是波浪状蓬松,都可能令人沮丧。 Thankfully you don't have to live with it and fight through spending time styling only to end up looking like you haven't done a thing an hour later.值得庆幸的是,您不必忍受它并花费大量时间来设计样式,而最终看起来好像一个小时后还没有做任何事情。

角蛋白 抢救!!

If you look closely at a strand of hair you will see it's outside layers look almost like a pinecone.如果仔细观察一头头发,您会发现它的外层几乎就像是松果。 When the layers are laying down the hair is smooth and shiny, when the layers are lifted is when the hair can look rough, damaged, and frizzy.当分层放下时,头发是光滑而有光泽的,而当分层放起时是头发看起来粗糙,受损和卷曲的时候。 This is where keratin comes in.这就是角蛋白的来源。

Keratin treatments are designed to be smoothing treatments for the hair.角蛋白护理被设计为头发的顺滑护理。 Since hair is comprised of keratin and is lacking some of that when the outside (cuticle layer) of the hair is open, the keratin treatments add additional keratin to the hair filling in the gaps resulting in smoother, healthier looking, shinier hair.由于头发由角蛋白组成,并且当头发的外部(表皮层)打开时缺少其中的一部分,因此,角蛋白处理可将毛发添加到填充在空隙中的角蛋白中,从而使头发更光滑,更健康,更明亮。 Think of it as shrink wrapping your hair in goodness!可以把它想像成是收缩包裹头发的好方法!

The keratin treatment is applied to your hair and then sealed on with the heat of the blow dryer and flat iron.将角蛋白处理剂涂在头发上,然后用吹风机和扁铁加热密封。 Since this treatment is not a traditional smoothing treatment that uses chemicals that alter the hair structure it can typically be done on almost every hair type.由于此处理不是使用会改变头发结构的化学物质的传统平滑处理,因此通常可以对几乎每种类型的头发进行处理。 The treatments can also help with hair color retention by sealing in the color molecules the hair color does not这些处理方法还可以通过将发色不密封的颜色分子封闭,从而帮助保持发色。

Once you have the keratin treatment on your hair it is very important to use the proper products to maintain your treatment and avoid stripping away the keratin you just added and getting the longest lasting results.一旦在头发上进行了角蛋白治疗,使用适当的产品来保持治疗并避免剥离刚刚添加的角蛋白并获得最长的持久效果非常重要。 Keratin is designed to wear away ( think of the shrink wrapping mentioned earlier) over time but by using products infused with keratin and free of ingredients角蛋白旨在随着时间的流逝而磨损(考虑到前面提到的收缩包装),但是使用注入角蛋白且不含任何成分的产品
不建议您更换一些自然磨损的角蛋白,从而获得更好的整体效果。 药草 提供全套护理,可帮助您护理和保养头发。

Treatments come in different varieties depending on the texture of your hair and the desired results.根据头发的质地和所需的效果,治疗方法会有所不同。 Read the descriptions to help you decide which is right for you.阅读说明,以帮助您确定最适合您的方法。

As a side note, even if you don't feel that you necessarily need a keratin treatment but do battle with a little bit of frizz you can benefit from using keratin shampoo and conditioner.附带说明一下,即使您不必一定需要角蛋白治疗,但可以消除一点毛躁,但您可以使用角蛋白洗发水和护发素来受益。 Since the maintenance products contain keratin you will notice an improvement in the condition of your hair as well as nicer results when styling.由于保养产品中含有角蛋白,定型后您的头发状况会得到改善,效果会更好。 Visit访问 药草 有关角蛋白的更多信息



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